Monday, December 21, 2009

Blog Format Change

Changed the format and heading of the Blog.  You will find the earlier images from this point backward do not appear correctly.  With this new format I can insert images in larger sizes.  This is Gianna...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Proofs- Choosing your images

I finally added a proofing gallery.  It provides a means for clients to review their images and request modifications or enhancements and to purchase prints in varying sizes and other really nice products.  The benefit of ordering from the proofing gallery is that it provides a means to conveniently purchase high quality images.   For those that will receive the images on disk, the proofs gallery may be a time saver in that it will save a trip to a printing service provider.
Please check it out by clicking on 'Proofs' on the top navigation bar.  You can then come back to the main website by clicking on on the left navigation area.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the proofs gallery and lab services.

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