Sunday, June 28, 2009

We had a fun and crazy time with our casual photo session. Why is Daph craking up?? hhmm.. :)

i love to catch those beautiful sunsets! Another sizzilin day in the bay area so I cruised down to Pacifica beach to join the 'sunset watching' fans.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photo Sessions with Grace

.. Grace is such a great and fun model! love working with her to build a gallery photo portfolio. just added one of our sessions. Check out her photo session's featured gallery... added some fun shots. more to come...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

faqs (frequently asked quesions)

faqs (frequently asked quesions)

To contact me: phone/ 415-309-5327
or email/

- What locations to you service? Main area is the Bay Area. However other locations can be considered.

- Do you do dress up photo sessions, for example after wedding dress up in wedding gown and tuxedo?
Most definitely. It would be a great opportunity to capture some beautiful shots that would add to the event day memories. Another good reason to put that dress back on! :) See Dress Up Session below.

- Do you do senior portraitures?
Yes! I focus on outdoor portraitures so I think it would be a great alternative to the traditional studio senior photos.

- Do you provide black & white or sepia toned images and/or prints? Yes.

- Do you photograph pets? Yes. (I have two doggies of my own :)

- What is your usual timeframe to provide the images?
It depends on the event and time of year. Typically, you will get your proof images within 2-3 weeks of the event or photo session.

- Do you bring other photographers and an assistant? Yes. The photographers and assistant I bring depends on the assignment.

- What are the detailed services and packages you offer?  Please see and click on Investment from top navigation choices.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Getting Back...

Back in Business so they say .. :) and finding it Fun to have a Blog on the Site as a means to just 'blab' and give useful information as well. The digital technology has certainly given me a big inspiration to start offering the service again. Coming from carrying around that heavy Hasselblad all day at a wedding, you could understand :) from film to digital images.. what fun! (although I am finding that I am not yet satisfied with the image quality from my SLR I use today compared to my Hasselblad.)

This time.. besides for the passion of photography , it's going to be loads of Fun and the best kick-butt images we could produce!

We? -- yes!! I know some very talented multi-dimensional - creative people in it with me... more to come about them. They can provide more creative consultation, make-up artistry, styling, maybe story boarding... all about you!

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