Friday, July 30, 2010

Catching Up

Hi All,
Sorry, it has been a while since I posted any work or news.  Sadly, after a long sickness, my Mom passed away
in June.  It's been difficult and I know life will not be the same without her.  As I remember how she lived
her life and the inspiration she has given me, I can only now look forward to continue my journey to grow my
passion-career in photography.  During the past few months of taking care of my mom I have managed to take a
few workshops and did a few fun shoots.  I plan to share some work from them soon. 

You may see several interpretations of my website/blog design as the months go on as I will now go back to focus on my rebranding project.  I would love to give you a photography portal that you will love to continually visit.  I may be soliciting your opinions on design to help me stay on track.  It's an exciting time since it will be new and fresh and targeted to those of you who are just excited about my work as I am  :)

The first move will be to a new blog which is coming soon.  Please come on back.. as I will be inviting you to
subscribe to the new blog as soon as it's ready.

  --Diane    (dvp)

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