Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Getting Back...

Back in Business so they say .. :) and finding it Fun to have a Blog on the Site as a means to just 'blab' and give useful information as well. The digital technology has certainly given me a big inspiration to start offering the service again. Coming from carrying around that heavy Hasselblad all day at a wedding, you could understand :) from film to digital images.. what fun! (although I am finding that I am not yet satisfied with the image quality from my SLR I use today compared to my Hasselblad.)

This time.. besides for the passion of photography , it's going to be loads of Fun and the best kick-butt images we could produce!

We? -- yes!! I know some very talented multi-dimensional - creative people in it with me... more to come about them. They can provide more creative consultation, make-up artistry, styling, maybe story boarding... all about you!

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