Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bring in the New Year - 2010

Lot's of  things to look forward to for this year.  I have started networking with other photographers which proved to be inspirational.   The digital SLR and digital darkroom boom has made it easier and more lucrative for professional photographers.  I love that there is an emphasis on continuing learning with many opportunities to attend workshops and hands on photo shoots.  Coming back to photography as a second profession so far has been fun and creatively challenging and rewarding.  I plan to continue to grow my relationships with clients, models, and fellow photographers.

The first gig for this year is a debut which I am excited about.  I have the wheels rolling and creative brainstorming happening  :)  It should turn out hot with the debutant and her eight couple cotilion.  Putting together a treatment and ideas for the pre-party photo shoot.

Another excited thing I am looking forward to is building a team.  It will be challenging and fun putting it together and working with the team to produce some fun sessions/events and beautiful images for our clients and models.  *** crossing my fingers *** it will all come together in 2010.

Thanks everyone who has supported me!!  And please continue to do so, send some love to DVP   :)

Please contact me for 2010 wedding, portraiture, and event bookings!  Upcoming are offers for referrals and discounts.

Much Thanks!!  Diane

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