Friday, October 8, 2010

Now called Diane Christina Photography

It's getting real close.  I know it's been a few months since my last post, but with working full time at corp and part-time at my dream job, it's been  a little trying getting everything together to put the rebranding into action.  Since the last news, I have found a wonderful and talented graphic artist.  Just what I needed to kick-start the project.  To date we have completed the development of the new logo.  Yay!  Currently she is plugging away at completing the blog design.  Just one step at a time.  So, yes, the website will follow. 

The new brand and blog  is planned to launch by October 30th, with the new website closely following.(**crossing fingers**). 

For those that have been following, thanks so much for keeping up with me!

All The Best!!  --Diane

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